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2024-03-05 15:32:57




Sunny Glassware Spring Festival Tea Party: Celebrate the Lantern Festival, hand in hand forward
Sunny Glassware Spring Festival Tea Party: Celebrate the Lantern Festival, hand in hand forward



Sunny Glassware Spring Festival Tea Party: Celebrate the Lantern Festival, hand in hand forward

Sunny Glassware Spring Festival Tea Party: Celebrate the Lantern Festival, hand in hand forward茶话会正式开始后,同事们围绕着“年是什么”这一主题,纷纷接龙分享自己的过年趣事和家乡的传统习俗。大家畅所欲言,分享着家的温暖和年的意义,让在场的每一个人都感受到了浓浓的年味。


Sunny Glassware Spring Festival Tea Party: Celebrate the Lantern Festival, hand in hand forward

Sunny Glassware Spring Festival Tea Party: Celebrate the Lantern Festival, hand in hand forward随后,董事长杨姐发表了感言。她分享了自己对年的理解和感受,表达了对公司员工的感谢和祝福。她的发言充满了温情和激励,让在场的每一位同事都备受鼓舞。


Sunny Glassware Spring Festival Tea Party: Celebrate the Lantern Festival, hand in hand forward行政后勤部开始发放上一年的愿望纸。同事们纷纷分享自己曾经的愿望和梦想,同时也领取了崭新的愿望纸。在发放龙年钱包的时候,大家认真地写下自己的新愿望,并郑重地将其放入愿望桶中,期待着未来的实现。


Sunny Glassware Spring Festival Tea Party: Celebrate the Lantern Festival, hand in hand forward

Sunny Glassware Spring Festival Tea Party: Celebrate the Lantern Festival, hand in hand forward




Sunny Glassware Spring Festival Tea Party: Celebrate the Lantern Festival, hand in hand forward

Sunny Glassware Spring Festival Tea Party: Celebrate the Lantern Festival, hand in hand forward通过这次新春茶话会,我们不仅感受到了浓浓的年味和家的温暖,更加深了同事之间的友谊和团结。让我们携手共进,迎接更加美好的未来!


Sunny Glassware Spring Festival Tea Party: Celebrate the Lantern Festival, hand in hand forward